Concert Survival 101- Chronic Illness Edition


Im aware that there are hundreds of different chronic illness and each come with their own bunch of symptoms. This post is written with my chronic illnesses in mind. I have me/cfs, POTS and Fibromyalgia so keep that in mind when reading this post. 

Last month I saw Harry Styles in concert in Cardiff. I was worried for months leading up to the big day about how I would cope with the whole day. It even came to a point where I almost sold my ticket because I was that anxious. But I’m so glad I powered through those anxieties and went because I had an incredible night with no blips. There were a few things that helped me and I want to share them in the hopes that it might help other people with chronic illnesses or even if it helps give you the confidence to go to a concert because it can be done, you just need to be prepared. 

Drink plenty

For the days leading up to the concert I made sure to drink plenty of water with electrolytes and that helped a lot. Making sure you’re hydrated makes such a difference and its so important if you have POTS like I do and you don’t have to buy bottled water at concerts because most venues let you bring your own empty reusable bottle to fill up there. 

Mobility aids

I try not to use mobility aids often unless I know I have a lot of walking to do because I do have issued with dizziness and balance issues. So for this night I made sure to use a crutch and that helped tremendously. It also helps people keep away from you so that limits being knocked or pushed. And if you’re reading this thinking “Im too embarrassed to use a mobility aid” this is your sign to tell that thought to STOP IT because a) they can be life changing and b) no one else cares! So many people use mobility aids for so many different ailments and illnesses that no one even looks at you. For years I was always too embarrassed to use my crutch and I’ve struggled so much without it but now I don’t care if I have to use it because no one cares!!!


Always always always make sure you book seated tickets. For this particular concert I bought the seating/standing tickets so you have the option. But those tickets were perfect because the seats were at floor level so I only had to walk up and down a few steps to my seat. But if you need to make sure to book accessible tickets. I was actually only a couple of rows in front of the accessible seats and they had an amazing view. Last time I went to a concert in a Stadium I made the mistake of getting seating up in the Gods and had to walk up so many steps and I ended up crashing for days afterwards. It was awful. 

Take breaks

I did stand and dance for most of the night but I did have lots and lots of breaks to recharge. I was lucky because even when I was sitting I could still see a lot so I wasn't missing out. 


This is so important even if you don't have chronic illnesses. I always tell people to buy or bring your own sweets to keep your blood sugars up because you will be exerting yourself more than normal. Concerts are tiring and sweaty! I took fruit pastels to suck on throughout the concert in between sipping on water.   

Let me know if you have any concert tips and tricks. I hope this post helps someone our there.


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